I’ve Listed All the Commands used in AutoCAD 2D Drawing. This List contains all commands which required to do any Two Dimensional Drawing, I’ve also given there Functions
LINE :- This command is used to draw a straight line.
- Draw toolbar => Line icon.
- Draw menu => Line option.
- Type Line and press enter or L and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
ERASE:- This command is used to delete selected object(s) from the file.
- Modify toolbar => Erase icon.
- Modify menu => Erase option.
- Type Erase and press enter or E and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
NEW :- This command is used to create a New File.
- Standard toolbar => New icon.
- File menu => New option.
- Press Ctrl+N from keyboard.
OPEN :- This command is used to open a pre-existing file.
- File menu => Open option.
- Standard toolbar => Open icon
- Press Ctrl+O from keyboard.

- Standard toolbar => Save icon.
- File menu => Save option.
- Press Ctrl+S from keyboard.
SAVE AS :- This command is used create a copy of the activated file.
- File menu => Save As option.
ZOOM :- This command is used to control the display size of an object. This command does not change the actual size of the object.
- View menu => Zoom option.
- Type Zoom and press enter or Z and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
PAN :- This command is used to move the drawing sheet dynamically. It can be used as the substitute of scroll.
- Standard toolbar => Pan icon.
- View menu => Pan Real Time option.
- Type PAN and press enter or P and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
- Right click on blank area on screen => Click on Pan option.
CIRCLE :- This command is used to draw a Circle.
- Draw toolbar => Circle icon.
- Draw menu => Circle option.
- Type CIRCLE and press enter or C and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
TRIM :- This command is used to erase a part of an existing object, beyond a defined cutting edge.
- Modify toolbar => Trim icon.
- Modify menu => Trim option.
- Type TRIM and press enter or TR and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
EXTEND :- This command is used to extend a part of an existing object, up to a defined boundary.
- Modify toolbar => Extend icon.
- Modify menu => Extend option.
- Type EXTEND and press enter or EX and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
OFFSET :- This command is used to draw the parallel of selected object.
- Modify toolbar => Offset icon.
- Modify menu => Offset option.
- Type OFFSET and press enter or O and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
MIRROR :- This command is used to create the Mirror image of selected object(s).
- Modify toolbar => Mirror icon.
- Modify menu => Mirror option.
- Type MIRROR and press enter or MI and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
ROTATE :- This command is used to Rotate selected object(s).
- Modify toolbar => Rotate icon.
- Modify menu => Rotate option.
- Type ROTATE and press enter or RO and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
COPY :- This command is used to create a duplicate of selected object(s) in the same file.
- Modify toolbar => Copy Object icon.
- Modify menu => Copy option.
- Type COPY and press enter or CO and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
MOVE :- This command is used to change the position of selected object(s) in the same file.
- Modify toolbar => Move Object icon.
- Modify menu => Move option.
- Type MOVE and press enter or MO and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
FILLET :- This command is used to create beveled corner between two non-parallel lines.
- Modify toolbar => Fillet icon.
- Modify menu => Fillet option
- Type FILLET and press enter or F and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
LAYER :- This command is used to create new Layer.
- Layers toolbar => Layer icon.
- Format menu => Layer option.
- Type LAYER and press enter or LA and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
DTEXT (Single Line Text) :- This command is used to create Single Line Text object.
- Draw menu => Text option => Single Line Text
- Type DTEXT and press enter or DT and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
MTEXT (Multiline Text) :- This command is used to create Multiline Text object.
- Draw toolbar => Multiline Text icon.
- Draw menu => Text option => Multiline Text
- Type MTEXT and press enter or MT and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
STYLE :- This command is used to control the Text Style. By this command, we can create a text style of different formatting effects.
- Format menu => Text Style option
- Type STYLE and press enter or ST and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
DDEDIT :- This command is used to modify any text.
- Modify menu => Object option => Text option.
- Type DDEDIT and press enter or ED and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
BHATCH (Boundary Hatch) :- This command is used to Hatch a closed area.
- Draw toolbar => Hatch icon.
- Draw menu => Hatch option
- Type BHATCH and press enter or BH and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
UNITS :- This command is used to control the type of measurement Unit.
- Modify menu => Unit option
- Type UNITS and press enter or UN and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
DIMSTYLE (Dimension Style) :- This command is used to control the appearance of dimensions.
- Dimension toolbar => Dimension Style icon.
- Dimension menu => Style option
- Type DIMSTYLE and press enter or D and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

- Type MVSETUP and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
VIEWPORTS :- This command is used to divide the drawing area in different Viewports. In these viewports, we can display different views of objects.
- View menu => Viewports option.
- Type VPORTS and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

- Tools menu => Inquiry => Area option
- Type AREA and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
ARRAY :- This command is used to create multiple duplicates of selected object(s) at regular interval.
- Modify toolbar => Array icon.
- Modify menu => Array option.
- Type AR and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
POLYLINE :- This command is used to draw both straight line and curve. The operation of Polyline is almost same as the operation of Line command.
- Draw toolbar => Polyline icon.
- Draw menu => Polyline option.
- Type PL and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
EXPLODE :- This command is used to break an object into different segments. Explode command is used on those objects, which are drawn by Polygon, Polyline commands
- Modify toolbar => Explode icon.
- Modify menu => Explode option
- Type X and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
PEDIT (Polyline Edit) :- This command is used to modify previously drawn polyline. By this command we can join two or more consecutive objects into a single object.
- Modify menu => Object => Polyline option
- Type PEDIT and press enter or PE and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
POINT :- This command is used to draw a Point object.
- Draw toolbar => Point icon.
- Type POINT and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
POINT STYLE :- This command is used to control the presentation of the point object.
- Format menu => Point Style icon
DIVIDE :- This command is used to Divide an object into different equal divisions.
- Draw menu => Point option Divide option.
- Type DIVIDE and press enter or DIV and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
MEASURE :- This command is used to Divide an object into some divisions of defined equal length.
- Draw menu => Point option Measure option.
- Type MEASURE and press enter or ME and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

- Type BLOCK and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
WRITE BLOCK :- This command is used to create a New Block. If we use Write Block command to create Block, the created block can be used in any AutoCAD File.
- Type WBLOCK and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
INSERT :- This command is used to Insert an existing Block in the active file.
- Draw toolbar => Insert Block icon.
- Insert menu => Block option.
- Type INSERT and press enter or I and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

- Draw menu => Block option => Define Attribute option.
- Type ATTDEF and press enter or ATT and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
XLINE (Construction Line) :- This command is used to create a endless line.
- Draw toolbar => Construction Line icon.
- Draw menu => Construction Line option.
- Type XLINE and press enter or XL and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

- Modify toolbar => Lengthen option.
- Type LENGTHEN and press enter or LEN and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
PLOT :- This command is used to Print the Drawing on Paper.
- Shortcut Key : Ctrl+P
- File menu => Plot option.
- Type PLOT and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
CHAMFER:- To create Bevel about a corner.
- Modify Toolbar => Chamfer icon.
- Modify menu => Chamfer option.
- Type CHAMFER and press enter or CHA and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
Didn't understood your comment!!!!!!! Sorry 🙁
Thanks for sharing all useful commands of autocad. Your post helped me out to learn autocad as i have just started learning autocad. So wanted to all about commands and shortcut keys.
Keep sharing loved the way of your posting.