Online AutoCAD Learning Commands

I’ve Listed All the Commands used in AutoCAD 2D Drawing. This List contains all commands which required to do any Two Dimensional Drawing, I’ve also given there Functions

Line Command AutoCADLINE :- This command is used to draw a straight line.


  1. Draw toolbar  => Line icon.
  2. Draw menu  => Line option.
  3. Type Line and press enter  or  L and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Erase Command AutoCADERASE:- This command is used to delete selected object(s) from the file.


  1. Modify toolbar  => Erase icon.
  2. Modify menu  => Erase option.
  3. Type  Erase and press enter  or E  and press enter  at “COMMAND:” prompt.

New Command AutoCADNEW :- This command is used to create a New File.


  1. Standard toolbar => New icon.
  2. File menu  => New option.
  3. Press Ctrl+N from keyboard.

Open Command AutoCADOPEN :- This command is used to open a pre-existing file.


  1. File menu  => Open option.
  2. Standard toolbar  => Open icon
  3. Press Ctrl+O from keyboard.

Save Command AutoCADSAVE :- This command is used to store the drawing in the secondary storage device for future use.


  1. Standard toolbar => Save icon.
  2. File menu => Save option.
  3. Press Ctrl+S from keyboard.

Save As Command AutoCADSAVE AS :- This command is used create a copy of the activated file.


  1. File menu => Save As option.

Zoom Command AutoCADZOOM :- This command is used to control the display size of an object. This command does not change the actual size of the object.


  1. View menu => Zoom option.
  2. Type Zoom and press enter   or Z   and press enter    at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Pan Command AutoCADPAN :- This command is used to move the drawing sheet dynamically. It can be used as the substitute of scroll.


  1. Standard toolbar => Pan icon.
  2. View menu => Pan Real Time option.
  3. Type PAN and press enter or P and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
  4. Right click on blank area on screen => Click on Pan option.

Circle Command AutoCADCIRCLE :- This command is used to draw a Circle.


  1. Draw toolbar  => Circle icon.
  2. Draw menu => Circle option.
  3. Type CIRCLE  and press enter or C  and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Trim Command AutoCADTRIM :- This command is used to erase a part of an existing object, beyond a defined cutting edge.


  1. Modify toolbar  => Trim icon.
  2. Modify menu => Trim option.
  3. Type TRIM  and press enter or TR  and press enter  at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Extend Command AutoCADEXTEND :- This command is used to extend a part of an existing object, up to a defined boundary.


  1. Modify toolbar  => Extend icon.
  2. Modify menu =>  Extend option.
  3. Type EXTEND  and press enter  or EX and press enter  at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Offset Command AutoCADOFFSET :- This command is used to draw the parallel of selected object.


  1. Modify toolbar => Offset icon.
  2. Modify menu => Offset option.
  3. Type OFFSET and press enter or O and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Mirror Command AutoCADMIRROR :- This command is used to create the Mirror image of selected object(s).


  1. Modify toolbar => Mirror icon.
  2. Modify menu => Mirror option.
  3. Type MIRROR  and press enter or MI and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Rotate Command AutoCADROTATE :- This command is used to Rotate selected object(s).


  1. Modify toolbar => Rotate icon.
  2. Modify menu => Rotate option.
  3. Type ROTATE and press enter or RO and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Copy Command AutoCADCOPY :- This command is used to create a duplicate of selected object(s) in the same file.


  1. Modify toolbar => Copy Object icon.
  2. Modify menu => Copy option.
  3. Type COPY and press enter or CO and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Move Command AutoCADMOVE :- This command is used to change the position of selected object(s) in the same file.


  1. Modify toolbar => Move Object icon.
  2. Modify menu => Move option.
  3. Type MOVE and press enter  or MO and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Fillet Command AutoCADFILLET :- This command is used to create beveled corner between two non-parallel lines.


  1. Modify toolbar => Fillet icon.
  2. Modify menu => Fillet option
  3. Type FILLET and press enter  or F and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Layer Command AutoCADLAYER :- This command is used to create new Layer.


  1. Layers toolbar => Layer icon.
  2. Format menu => Layer option.
  3. Type LAYER and press enter  or LA and press enter  at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Dtext Command AutoCADDTEXT (Single Line Text) :- This command is used to create Single Line Text object.


  1. Draw menu => Text option => Single Line Text
  2. Type DTEXT and press enter or DT and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Mtext Command AutoCADMTEXT (Multiline Text) :- This command is used to create Multiline Text object.


  1. Draw toolbar => Multiline Text icon.
  2. Draw menu => Text option => Multiline Text
  3. Type MTEXT and press enter  or MT and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Style Command AutoCADSTYLE :- This command is used to control the Text Style. By this command, we can create a text style of different formatting effects.


  1. Format menu => Text Style option
  2. Type STYLE and press enter or ST  and press enter  at “COMMAND:” prompt.

DDEdit Command AutoCADDDEDIT :- This command is used to modify any text.


  1. Modify menu => Object option => Text option.
  2. Type DDEDIT and press enter or ED and press enter at  “COMMAND:” prompt.

Hatch Command AutoCADBHATCH (Boundary Hatch) :- This command is used to Hatch a closed area.


  1. Draw toolbar => Hatch icon.
  2. Draw menu => Hatch option
  3. Type BHATCH and press enter or BH and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Units Command AutoCADUNITS :- This command is used to control the type of measurement Unit.


  1. Modify menu => Unit option
  2. Type UNITS and press enter or UN and press enter at  “COMMAND:” prompt.

Diension Style Command AutoCADDIMSTYLE (Dimension Style) :- This command is used to control the appearance of dimensions.


  1. Dimension toolbar => Dimension Style icon.
  2. Dimension menu => Style option
  3. Type DIMSTYLE and press enter or D and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

MVSetup Command AutoCADMVSETUP :- This command is used to draw any object using the R.F. (Representative Fraction). This command is the combination of “Units” and “Limits”  command.


  1. Type MVSETUP  and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Viewport Command AutoCADVIEWPORTS :- This command is used to divide the drawing area in different Viewports. In these viewports, we can display different views of objects.


  1. View menu => Viewports option.
  2. Type VPORTS and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
Area Command AutoCADAREA :- This command is used to see the Area and the Perimeter of a closed plane


  1. Tools menu => Inquiry => Area option
  2. Type AREA  and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Array Command AutoCAD ARRAY :- This command is used to create multiple duplicates of selected object(s) at regular interval.


  1. Modify toolbar => Array icon.
  2. Modify menu => Array option.
  3. Type AR and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Polyline Command AutoCADPOLYLINE :- This command is used to draw both straight line and curve. The operation of Polyline is almost same as the operation of Line command.


  1. Draw toolbar => Polyline icon.
  2. Draw menu => Polyline option.
  3. Type PL and press enter  at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Explode Command AutoCADEXPLODE :- This command is used to break an object into different segments. Explode command is used on those objects, which are drawn by Polygon, Polyline commands


  1. Modify toolbar => Explode icon.
  2. Modify menu  => Explode option
  3. Type X  and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Poly Line Edit Command AutoCADPEDIT (Polyline Edit) :- This command is used to modify previously drawn polyline. By this command we can join two or more consecutive objects into a single object.


  1. Modify menu => Object  => Polyline option
  2. Type PEDIT and press enter or PE and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Point Command AutoCADPOINT :- This command is used to draw a Point object.


  1. Draw toolbar => Point icon.
  2. Type POINT and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Point Style Command AutoCADPOINT STYLE :- This command is used to control the presentation of the point object.


  1. Format menu => Point Style icon

Divide Command AutoCADDIVIDE :- This command is used to Divide an object into different equal divisions.


  1. Draw menu => Point option Divide option.
  2. Type DIVIDE  and press enter or DIV and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Measure Command AutoCADMEASURE :- This command is used to Divide an object into some divisions of defined equal length.


  1. Draw menu => Point option Measure option.
  2. Type MEASURE and press enter or ME and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
Block Command AutoCADBLOCK :- This command is used to create a New Block. If we use Block command to create the block, the created block can be used in the source file only.


  1. Type BLOCK and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Write Block Command AutoCADWRITE BLOCK :- This command is used to create a New Block. If we use Write Block command to create Block, the created block can be used in any AutoCAD File.


  1. Type WBLOCK and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Insert Command AutoCADINSERT :- This command is used to Insert an existing Block in the active file.


  1. Draw toolbar => Insert Block icon.
  2. Insert menu  => Block option.
  3. Type INSERT  and press enter or I  and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
Attribute Definition Command AutoCADATTDEF (Attribute Definition) :- This command is used to add block Attribute to a block. An attribute is a label or tag that attaches data to a block.


  1. Draw menu => Block option => Define Attribute option.
  2. Type ATTDEF  and press enter or ATT  and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

XLine Command AutoCADXLINE (Construction Line) :- This command is used to create a endless line.


  1. Draw toolbar => Construction Line icon.
  2. Draw menu => Construction Line option.
  3. Type XLINE  and press enter or XL and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
Lengthen Command AutoCADLENGTHEN:- This command is used to change the Length of an existing line. We can see the length of a selected line at command prompt also.


  1. Modify toolbar => Lengthen option.
  2. Type LENGTHEN and press enter or LEN and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Plot Command AutoCADPLOT :- This command is used to Print the Drawing on Paper.


  1. Shortcut Key : Ctrl+P
  2. File menu => Plot option.
  3. Type PLOT and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Chamfer Command AutoCAD CHAMFER:- To create Bevel about a corner.


  1. Modify Toolbar => Chamfer icon.
  2. Modify menu => Chamfer option.
  3. Type CHAMFER and press enter or CHA and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.

Step By Step Guide – Direct Method – LINE Command