“Real dREAM is What keePs yOu Awake, not letting you to sleep”.
Now first of all let me tell you that, it is not a magic black or white not a pure luck what can bring you a Government Job, it need lots of dedication, passion and hard work, I mean lots of it. So if you are willing to accept this challenge and you are really willing to get a Government Job then keep reading, or else you may leave by now sorry pal.
So I think you are ready, and damn focused to fulfill your dream right? This is the very first step you need. I have catagorised all the steps through which if you go, and honestly follow then you have 90% chance of getting a government job, rest of 10% is reserved for the Unlucky Luck. Okay Let’s Start………
1) Preparing Yourself Mentally For Getting A Government Job ………
- Do I really Like Government Job?
- How Badly I need it?
- Can I work Hard, Hard enough day and night to reach that ultimate Goal?
- Can I Sacrifice most of my entertainment, like going to movies ?
- Can I restrict myself from “facebooking”, “tweetering”, and blah blah blah things ?
Ask Yourself, can you make these sacrifices, are you strong enough to stand by your side at your worst time? if you can do, then you are eligible for the next steps, congratulations buddy you have passe the first step between you and your government job.
My few Tips regarding bringing yourself with hard solid mental backbone.
- Always remember, the people who are getting Government Job are also human like you and me, nothing too special about them, that they can and you will not get, You are also strong enough in your way, just need to realize your potential that is within you, a sleeping Lion Indeed, Awake it Now, I know You have the power to combat other competitors.
- Believe and Trust Yourself that You can achieve what you want it because you have really really worked hard for it and no way now you are going back without grabbing your target, you have to must must get it to give all the hard work the proper justice they deserve.
- Never take Government Job as an Option, Take it as the only way to goo through, no other way no other exit point, You have no choices left.
- Be Brave A Heart, Don’t think about what the result would be, rather concentrate on your hard work, do not expect but always give.
- Watch Movies Like Three Idiots, and dream yourself (Yes, one of the moral is Concept and knowledge is greater than the bookish language)
- Tell yourself that all the hard work is only for a l;imited time but this will bring you the ultimate glory, Your Dream, The Respect, A Distinct Class or Level as compared to others.
- Challenge Yourself (Outer one, the Physical You) by your inner self that is the person you are (Mental You) everyday that You can and You will achieve You Will Get that bloody Job,” Let us see Who Wins, My Tiredness or My Dedication, My Luck or My Intense Hard Work and eager” .
- Think of getting revenge to someone, that you will show them out what you are really capable of What “XYZ” (Put Your Name in place of xyz) is, like to the Girl Friend who ditched You, Your Classmates, Your neighbors, cousins, relatives etc.
2) Understanding The Recruitment Procedure Of Government Job :
3) Make Strategies to Get The Government Job :
Our First step in strategic planning is to brake up the whole recruitment process into smaller parts. The whole recruitment process can be split into two main parts as Written Test and Interview. Let us first discuss about the Written Test. In any competitive exam written tests are structured by combining more than one category of questions of different domain. By this I mean the whole written test can be split into many parts. Considering a written test for recruitment of Engineer, the whole written test questions can be categorized under the following heads
i) Technical Questions
ii) Questions on Aptitude and Reasoning
iii)Questions on Arithmetic Numerical
iv) Question on General Knowledge
v) Questions on Current Affairs
vi) Questions on General English
So this is the whole structure in general of any competitive exam for Government Job. But the fact is that the marks allotted for each type of categories are not equally distributed.Generally in all case major priority is given to the Technical Questions where the most of the marks are allotted, then rest of the categories are more or less same distributed with the equal marks of the remaining portion. Generally the allotment of the marks are as follows
i) Technical Questions – 60%
ii) Questions on Aptitude and Reasoning – 10%
iii)Questions on Arithmetic Numerical – 10%
iv) Question on General Knowledge – 8%
v) Questions on Current Affairs – 7%
vi) Questions on General English – 5%
This is only an approximate percentage share of type of questions, but varies from exam to exam, like Railway Job will concentrate more on General Knowledge and Current Affairs rather than Technical Knowledge, but PWD, Irrigation etc Departments will concentrate more on Technical Questions as they are purely Technical Organizations.
Now talking about the interview, it can be split up mainly into two parts as far as the Government Jobs are concerned, these are as follows
i) Technical Round
ii) Personality Testing Round (Which in Private Company Job Known as HR round)
In case of the government job generally both of these are done at a single sitting and under a single interview that you will not notice the fact that you have also gone through the HR round.In general in the interview of an government job the marks distribution for Technical and Non-Technical Questions are as follows
i) Technical Round – 75%
ii) Personality Testing Round – 25%
and one last thing to say is that be careful because person who will be taking the Technical Interview are in most cases Professors from some reputed Universities or institutions like Jadavpur University, IIT’s etc. So do not even think that without proper knowledge and concept you are going to crack the interview.
Studying Method For Government Job, Preparing For Written Test
a) Technical Part :-
Now after the College is over, bring out your syllabus for each subject of the full engineering course which you have studied in your college. Then Read the each of the, I mean each and every Topic of a subject according to the syllabus, at this time do not try to mesmerize anything, just concentrate on building your proper concepts and knowledge by understanding all of them. Do this for all of the subjects. Only after properly understanding all of the topics of all the subjects then try to find out all the MCQ possible from each topic from all subjects, and then try to memorize, you will find that now memorizing will be easier as you have already understood the concepts behind that, and most of them will be memorized very easily without any hardship.
Only after the previous step then buy some books on MCQ on your particular Engineering Branch, and study the MCQ from There. or You may find lots of MCQ on Internet.
After all of these, Keep giving Revision to everything as may time as possible. Revision is very necessary as we tend to forget minute things easily as there are various numbers of vast topics and MCQs. As it is said, Practice Makes a Man Perfect.
Make one thing Clear If You Cannot Have The Capability And Knowledge To Serve Your Organization, Then Why Would They Recruit You And Give You Salary, See from the Recruiter’s Point of View and Think Again.
b) Aptitude and Reasoning :-
This is the part which is both critical and very easy to score at the same time. I said critical because
you will not be able to answer the questions without intelligence and practice. I said it easy because
if you prepare yourself for this then it is not too hard to get 20 marks in 10 minutes in this part.
So it is upto you,you can make it feel hard or easy by your self.The main key to score good in this area
is Constant Practicing.
The whole part can be divided into two things first of all Arithmetic and secondly the Reasoning Part.
Asthmatics are problem based numerical asking for solutions. The problems are related to the practical
life problems like movement of train, Profit Loss etc.The main type of numerical which are most common
areas follows :-
a) Numerical On Percentage Profit/Loss
b) Numerical On Work and Time
c) Numerical On Tank Filling and Time
d) Numerical On Proportions
e) Numerical On Distance Travel And Velocity
f) Numerical On Distance Travel and Time
g) Numerical On Velocity and Time
h) Numerical On Relative Velocities of Different Vehicles
i) Numerical On Interest Calculation Both Simple and Compound
j) Numerical On Area Of Land of Different Geometrical Shapes and Their Variations By Changing Parameters
The above mentioned are the most common types of Numerical which are generally given on written Test For Any Government Job. For this I would suggest you to practice the numerical found on different sample paper books for preparation of RRB which are easily found on market.Complete all numerical by yourself, do not ask for help at first, initially it may take time to find out the right process of solving,but try yourself
at first, if not solved then try again and again by different methods, let your brain work out hard, think
about the problem, what it is asking for, look at the data given then try to solve it.Finally when you can’t
answer that then seek for help, or see the solved problem. In this process day by day your own problem solving capabilities will improve, and a time will come when you will be able to solve almost all of the problems by your self without asking for any help, without seeing the solved question, and believe me or not you will beable to solve a problem which you will find initially hard, after constant practicing you will be able to solve similar problems in less than 15 Seconds. But You have to practice again and again to reach that state. it is not a magic that will occur all on a sudden, Invest Time and Concentration Dedication, You will definitely get a return of proper worth what yourall hardwork deserve.
Reasoning is meant for testing Your Intelligence and Thinking capability and instant during a situation.
Reasoning questions are pretty Tricky and always tries to distract you from the actual answer if you are out
of track. Once you fall out of the right track the specialty of the Reasoning questions is that all of of the
given answers with the MCQ seems to feel correct. So keep your brain calm and cool at the time of doing
reasoning because one very small little gap in the concentration can lead you to the wrong answers. So put
all your concentration focused on the problem. The most common types of Reasoning Questions which are given in any Government Recruitment are as follows :-
a) Problems On Number Logical Series
b) Problems On Alphabetic Logical Series
c) Problems On Family Relationships Determination
d) Problems On Statement and Different Given Cases if True or Not
e) Problems On Finding Logical Relationship between given Words
f) Problems On Visual Puzzle For Given Instruction, Like Rolling of Dice.
This Questions are a bit tough,mastering in these topics only can be done by practicing alot. For the Reasoning Study Books of RRB,Bank etc Examination. Alos follow emplotyment News Paper of different types where you will find various Numerical and Reasoing Questions along with the answers explained. You may find various Numerical and Reasoning Questions on the Internet also. In an future article of Techno Genome I will discuss some common problems and proper techniques for solving them easily.
Your Forth Lesson is over here, Fourth will continue Shortly. The whole procedure is pretty big so I will let you know one by one each day. The Next Step, that is the Step Three will be elaborated on Tomorrow, So Keep Visiting MyCivil – Civil Engineering Redefined This article will be updated with the next step Tomorrow.
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very nice points written
very well written
u just paved my way
nice inspiration