In any Civil Engineering Project while executing the same, various types of Disputes arises among the parties, and if those are not solved timely then it will hamper the work as well as will cause financial losses to the department. Thus it’s very essential to have a sound knowledge about all the probable disputes and there timely solutions. I’ve arranged some of the importent diputes and there solutions according to the stage of the works progress.
The various types of Disputes which arises during the execution of a Civil Engineering Project are as follows :-
The Dispute arises at the very begining of the work execution, that is whether there is a Contract at all between the parties or not?
Solution : The decission of accepting a Tender should not be deleyed or kept pending for a long time.
The work site is not available for the execution of work
Solution : The work nsite should be made abailable as soon as the Tender is accepted and the Work Order is issued.
The Drawing of the work to be doene is not available.
Solution : The Drawing of the work should be made available as soon as the work is to be taken out.
Special Specifications are not clarified
Solution : If there are some special specification which are to be engaged then the same should be included along with the departmental standard specification.
No confirmative between schedule and drawing, extra item originate
Solution : Confirmative should always be maintained, and decission for extra work must be given timely.
Delay in the fixation of Rate of extra item
Solution : Before taking up any extra work the Rate should be fixed for those, whose Rates are are not provided on the schedule
Decission awited causing delay and slow progress of the work.
Solution : Immediate reply should be given to the Contractor awaiting decission.
Delay in the issue of the Departmental Materials
Solution : Materials should be issued timely as soon as the indent is placed after necessary checking is done
Recovery of the excess consumption of the Departmental Materials.
Solution : Recovery should be made as per the Terms of Contract
There are major variations in the Bill of Quantities
Solution : The Estimate of the Project should not be done Hurriedly.
Reduced Rate for the Defective Works
Solution : The Reduced Rate for the Defective Works are to be suppiorted by proper Rate Analysis of the same.
To Terminate or to Suspend a Contract imposing High Penalty or Compensation.
Solution : A Notice should be served to the Contractor so that He can Defend Himself.
Work cannot be completed with the Completion Period.
Solution : The Completion Period must be such fixed that it allows reasonable Time so that The Work can be Completeed within that Time Period.
Difficulties while Handing Over the work
Solutions : After the Completion Certificate is recorded, a Notice is to be served for the Handing Over the Work to the Department.
I’ve Listed All the Commands used in AutoCAD 2D Drawing. This List contains all commands which required to do any Two Dimensional Drawing, I’ve also given there Functions
LINE :-This command is used to draw a straight line.
Draw toolbar => Line icon.
Draw menu => Line option.
Type Line and press enter or L and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
ERASE:- This command is used to delete selected object(s) from the file.
Modify toolbar => Erase icon.
Modify menu => Erase option.
Type Erase and press enter or E and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
NEW :- This command is used to create a New File.
Standard toolbar => New icon.
File menu => New option.
Press Ctrl+N from keyboard.
OPEN :-This command is used to open a pre-existing file.
File menu => Open option.
Standard toolbar => Open icon
Press Ctrl+O from keyboard.
SAVE :-This command is used to store the drawing in the secondary storage device for future use.
Standard toolbar => Save icon.
File menu => Save option.
Press Ctrl+S from keyboard.
SAVE AS :-This command is used create a copy of the activated file.
File menu => Save As option.
ZOOM :-This command is used to control the display size of an object. This command does not change the actual size of the object.
View menu => Zoom option.
Type Zoom and press enter or Z and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
PAN :- This command is used to move the drawing sheet dynamically. It can be used as the substitute of scroll.
Standard toolbar => Pan icon.
View menu => Pan Real Time option.
Type PAN and press enter or P and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
Right click on blank area on screen => Click on Pan option.
CIRCLE :- This command is used to draw a Circle.
Draw toolbar => Circle icon.
Draw menu => Circle option.
Type CIRCLE and press enter or C and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
TRIM :- This command is used to erase a part of an existing object, beyond a defined cutting edge.
Modify toolbar => Trim icon.
Modify menu => Trim option.
Type TRIM and press enter or TR and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
EXTEND :- This command is used to extend a part of an existing object, up to a defined boundary.
Modify toolbar => Extend icon.
Modify menu => Extend option.
Type EXTEND and press enter or EX and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
OFFSET :- This command is used to draw the parallel of selected object.
Modify toolbar => Offset icon.
Modify menu => Offset option.
Type OFFSET and press enter or O and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
MIRROR :- This command is used to create the Mirror image of selected object(s).
Modify toolbar => Mirror icon.
Modify menu => Mirror option.
Type MIRROR and press enter or MI and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
ROTATE :-This command is used to Rotate selected object(s).
Modify toolbar => Rotate icon.
Modify menu => Rotate option.
Type ROTATE and press enter or RO and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
COPY :-This command is used to create a duplicate of selected object(s) in the same file.
Modify toolbar => Copy Object icon.
Modify menu => Copy option.
Type COPY and press enter or CO and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
MOVE :-This command is used to change the position of selected object(s) in the same file.
Modify toolbar => Move Object icon.
Modify menu => Move option.
Type MOVE and press enter or MO and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
FILLET :-This command is used to create beveled corner between two non-parallel lines.
Modify toolbar => Fillet icon.
Modify menu => Fillet option
Type FILLET and press enter or F and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
LAYER :- This command is used to create new Layer.
Layers toolbar => Layer icon.
Format menu => Layer option.
Type LAYER and press enter or LA and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
DTEXT (Single Line Text) :-This command is used to create Single Line Text object.
Draw menu => Text option => Single Line Text
Type DTEXT and press enter or DT and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
MTEXT (Multiline Text) :- This command is used to create Multiline Text object.
Draw toolbar => Multiline Text icon.
Draw menu => Text option => Multiline Text
Type MTEXT and press enter or MT and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
STYLE :- This command is used to control the Text Style. By this command, we can create a text style of different formatting effects.
Format menu => Text Style option
Type STYLE and press enter or ST and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
DDEDIT :- This command is used to modify any text.
Modify menu => Object option => Text option.
Type DDEDIT and press enter or ED and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
BHATCH (Boundary Hatch) :-This command is used to Hatch a closed area.
Draw toolbar => Hatch icon.
Draw menu => Hatch option
Type BHATCH and press enter or BH and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
UNITS :- This command is used to control the type of measurement Unit.
Modify menu => Unit option
Type UNITS and press enter or UN and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
DIMSTYLE (Dimension Style) :- This command is used to control the appearance of dimensions.
Dimension toolbar => Dimension Style icon.
Dimension menu => Style option
Type DIMSTYLE and press enter or D and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
MVSETUP :- This command is used to draw any object using the R.F. (Representative Fraction). This command is the combination of “Units” and “Limits” command.
Type MVSETUP and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
VIEWPORTS :-This command is used to divide the drawing area in different Viewports. In these viewports, we can display different views of objects.
View menu => Viewports option.
Type VPORTS and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
AREA :- This command is used to see the Area and the Perimeter of a closed plane
Tools menu => Inquiry => Area option
Type AREA and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
ARRAY :- This command is used to create multiple duplicates of selected object(s) at regular interval.
Modify toolbar => Array icon.
Modify menu => Array option.
Type AR and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
POLYLINE :-This command is used to draw both straight line and curve. The operation of Polyline is almost same as the operation of Line command.
Draw toolbar => Polyline icon.
Draw menu => Polyline option.
Type PL and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
EXPLODE :- This command is used to break an object into different segments. Explode command is used on those objects, which are drawn by Polygon, Polyline commands
Modify toolbar => Explode icon.
Modify menu => Explode option
Type X and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
PEDIT (Polyline Edit) :- This command is used to modify previously drawn polyline. By this command we can join two or more consecutive objects into a single object.
Modify menu => Object => Polyline option
Type PEDIT and press enter or PE and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
POINT :- This command is used to draw a Point object.
Draw toolbar => Point icon.
Type POINT and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
POINT STYLE :- This command is used to control the presentation of the point object.
Format menu => Point Style icon
DIVIDE :- This command is used to Divide an object into different equal divisions.
Draw menu => Point option Divide option.
Type DIVIDE and press enter or DIV and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
MEASURE :- This command is used to Divide an object into some divisions of defined equal length.
Draw menu => Point option Measure option.
Type MEASURE and press enter or ME and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
BLOCK :-This command is used to create a New Block. If we use Block command to create the block, the created block can be used in the source file only.
Type BLOCK and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
WRITE BLOCK :-This command is used to create a New Block. If we use Write Block command to create Block, the created block can be used in any AutoCAD File.
Type WBLOCK and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
INSERT :-This command is used to Insert an existing Block in the active file.
Draw toolbar => Insert Block icon.
Insert menu => Block option.
Type INSERT and press enter or I and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
ATTDEF (Attribute Definition) :-This command is used to add block Attribute to a block. An attribute is a label or tag that attaches data to a block.
Draw menu => Block option => Define Attribute option.
Type ATTDEF and press enter or ATT and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
XLINE (Construction Line) :- This command is used to create a endless line.
Draw toolbar => Construction Line icon.
Draw menu => Construction Line option.
Type XLINE and press enter or XL and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
LENGTHEN:- This command is used to change the Length of an existing line. We can see the length of a selected line at command prompt also.
Modify toolbar => Lengthen option.
Type LENGTHEN and press enter or LEN and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
PLOT :-This command is used to Print the Drawing on Paper.
Shortcut Key : Ctrl+P
File menu => Plot option.
Type PLOT and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
CHAMFER:- To create Bevel about a corner.
Modify Toolbar =>Chamfer icon.
Modify menu => Chamfer option.
Type CHAMFER and press enter or CHA and press enter at “COMMAND:” prompt.
In this Post I will let you will learn about How To Create a Sitemap and Submit a Sitemap in For Your Website and Blogger Blog.
First of all we need to know what is a site map and why it’s important to gain Traffic from Search Engines.
A Sitemap is list of URL of all the links related to a website. Suppose you have built a website for your business then you definitely need to promote your website online to get Search Traffic which are the highly targeted traffic and main source of income for affiliate programs then you have to submit your website to different search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and many more so that whenever a person uses online search then in the results your pages also become visible and get traffic. Though most of the search engines indexes your links automatically but if your site is having a difficult navigation and many other factors then it may so happen that the search engines may fail to list your URL’s and thus excluding you from the search results and causing a huge loss to your incoming traffic. What a Sitemap does is that it tells the search engines about the links of different posts in your website and thus the search engines easily gets your posts indexed and shows them in search results and causing a huge incoming traffic from Search Engines which are the real people not a bot.
How can I Create a Sitemap and Submit it?
You can now a days easily create a Sitemap for your website, there are many a online websites that will create sitemap for your website for free within a minute, you just need to give the address of your Website in the form like say for this Blog it would be
Now you just get the Sitemap and paste it on the root of your website, then just wait for a few days and see the magic. And please do use a Webmasters Tool like Google Webmasters Tool or Bing Webmasters Tool so that you can track how many pages have been indexed by the search Engines.
I Can’t Submit A Sitemap For Blogger What To Do?
Many of the Bloggers ask this question and having a big trouble about submitting a sitemap, they have no clue because Google doesn’t allow you to access the root of your Blogger Blog. Don’t worry You can submit a sitemap for your blogger, it’s much easier than submitting one for website actually. What you need is just go to the Google Webmasters Tool and go to the Sitemap section, then click on Add/Test Sitemap Button and then in the Blank space enter this “atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=100” without the quotation and just Click on Submit button. Now You are All Done, most of the methods Blogger will let you submit only 26 Links at maximum but by the method I’ve given you Can Submit up to 100 Links or Posts. Now Just Enjoy the Traffic. On my future article I will show how to add a sitemap containing more than 100 Links.
If you like this post and find it useful then please leave your comment and share it through the social share buttons on the right side of the screen. And let me know if any problem arises, For getting more Tips and Tricks keep visiting Techno Genome and if you find this useful then Join this site to get immediate info about new posts. Thank You For Your Time Have A Good Day
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Samsung is one of the leading Brand as far as Smartphones are concerned. Samsung provides a very wide range of smartphones with best feature packed in once. In-spite of having the very Good picture taking quality and the buttery touch of the Capacitive touch screen with a bright display still it lacks the most important thing of all, that is the battery. The Battery which is most important factor of all is almost next to nothing in all SamsungSmartphones, though any smartphone consumes very large amount of power within a short periodof time but still those phones like Sony’s, Nokia’s still runs at least for a Day or two without further need of charging. But that in case of Samsung phones ( Specially Smartphones ) you would feel lucky if any how it cal pull it self throughout the day without the need of further fueling. I’ve given some stats below about Samsung Smartphone’s Battery Life in Practical usage with a single Full Charge :
Standby Time :- 2 Days
General Uses like Texting, Calling not more than 3 hrs. :- 12 Hours at max.
General Uses + Music :- 8 Hours
General Uses + Photo Shooting :- 2Hours
General Uses + Internet :- 3Hours at max.
I’ve also used various applications to reduce my Battery consumption, but all of them are just waste of time, money, and usage of internet, so just keep away of those creepy apps who claims to save your Battery. Actually these apps shuts down some of the background processing and just reduces a small amount of consumption, which is of no use
But the stats I’ve given earlier are the real facts If Your Battery is in good condition. Batteries provided by the Samsung with the Handsets are not always in good condition I think, Samsung Batteries are having some trouble I guess. Even the battery given in the box with the Handset is not even up to the standard as compared to the separately purchased Battery of the same Model and of the same manufacturer that is Samsung. May be in this way Samsung is somehow forcing people to buy it separately. It did happened to me, once I bought a Samsung Galaxy ACE when it was released. That time the Battery I got was serving me for a day for General uses, and if I would used Internet then it would go all the way down crying for another charge within 30 minutes. Lately I was bound to bought a separate Battery of the same capacity that is of 1350mAh and used in my Galaxy, and what a surprise!!!!!!!! It is giving me a standby time of 4 Days. I’ve mentioned the stats with the Battery given with the Handset and with that of I purchased separately :
Standby Time :- 1 Days
General Uses like Texting, Calling not more than 3 hrs. :- 8 Hours at max.
General Uses + Music :- 6 Hours
General Uses + Photo Shooting :- 1Hours
General Uses + Internet :- 30 Minutes at max.
Standby Time :- 4 Days
General Uses like Texting, Calling not more than 3 hrs. :- 1.5 Days at max.
General Uses + Music :- 20 Hours
General Uses + Photo Shooting :- 3 Hours
General Uses + Internet :- 4 Hours at max.
Just look at the difference, isn’t it amazing!!!!. But it’s not just only the new battery that made the magic, there is also some tips in areas of concern which are to be made to achive this easily I’ve listed them below.
My Final Tips To Increase The Battery Life Like A Magic Charm :
Change The Battery with a new Original one if necessary.
Do Not Over Charge your Battery. This is very very important or else you will loose the capacity of the battery time by time.
Reduce the Screen Brightness to 0 or 1. Don’t worry it will not made your screen difficult to read, it will just stop the mindless wasting of energy which is useless, and it will also help your eyes to sooth.
Turn Off Auto Synchronization if possible.
Turn Off Background Data. If Background Data is kept on then your Handset will be always connected to the internet even when it’s not required to do so and will Eat Your Battery Like A Monster.
Charge your phone after shutting it down, it’s not a good way to charge your phone while it’s on. Because the Battery which is in the phone it converts Chemical Energy to Electrical Energy and power ups your phone, and while charging the Electrical Energy of the A.C. Source is converted into Chemical Energy in the Battery. Thus these two are opposite reactions, and if you will charge your phone while your phone is turned on then two opposite type of reactions will take place within the battery and with time it will reduce the capacity of your Battery to Store the Energy efficiently.
I hope with the above Tips you will surely be able to to taker your phone with you without bagging a charger with you.
If This post is helpful to you then please do leave a comment and do share it on social networking sites as it will help me to flourish Techno Genome and will encourage me to write more. Thank You, Have A Good Day.
Civil Engineering deals with static structure. The main objective of Civil Engineering is to make Safe, Economical Structures, by Analytical Distribution of Load. There are various mammoth structures which now a days are made possible with the new technology and Analysis with automation without much difficulty. The most important part in this generation of development is in the media, where information we exchange with, and Internet is the absolute necessary in today’s life to get connected with newer views and findings. We already know about the power of Internet and how it has been now possible to do work from the desk from one location to another location virtually. Now a days it’s possible to repair a Computer to some extent online, to suggest medicines by a doctor to a patient, to Teach from around the world and in the all other fields. But still most of the people doesn’t know that the same is applicable for the field of Civil Engineering Also.
Here the Concept of Online Civil Engineering Arrives. Let me explain, Civil Engineering is a vast field and deals with Planning, Designing, and Execution in short. Here only the Execution of a work is to be done directly on the project site, and others are Desk jobs. But before the execution for a work can be done, it needs big processes to come upto the point of starting of the execution, that means Planning and Designing. The Following Jobs are the Desk based jobs partially or fully, for which you don’t need to be appear in the site physically, they are :-
Estimating and Costing.
Online Civil Engineering Consultancy :-
We all know what is Civil Engineering Consultancy is, but in India specially it’s so much manual. A Civil Engineering Consultancy Firm can launch there Consultancy services Online and may get more and more consignments to do. It will flourish them and as well as it will ease the process of doing the job. And from customers or Parties point of view, A party may get competitive rates for the same job to be done, and hence can get the best deal. The best part is, in Online Civil Engineering the Location will never become the barrier. suppose a Party in New York City will contact with someone with Drawings for preparing an Estimate in the same city that is in the New York, and suppose He has to pay $500 to the Estimator. But n case of Online Civil Engineering Services, the same person can contact to a Online Civil Engineering Consultancy Firm in India through Internet and send his Drawings over to them, and suppose the Consultancy Firm in India is offering a Deal at $450, that means here the Party saves $50 and also the Consultancy Firm got a Consignment from different Country, which was not Possible if there was not the Online Civil Engineering. There is a Huge Scope in this field as it’s a new Concept.
There are more of them than listed above for which you may not need to appear physically in the site, or you only require a single visit. This Jobs Can be done at Home or Office in front of a Computer and the same can be given via Internet to the concerned authority or the Party on Demand. This will speed up the progress and save so much of valuable time for the work and will ease the Engineer to discharge there duties properly.
For a Multi National Company (MNC) in the field of Construction a General Construction Company , there are several units working for a specific type analysis and output for a work, and they may be located at different points withing a city or at far away, it may become tedious job to link them all and synchronise, but with the Help of Online Civil Engineering it may not be a problem of concern.