How To Access A Shared Drive On LAN

How To Access A Shared Drive On LAN

LAN Technology


Do You have more than one computer connected via LAN and wanna access to different Hard Drives from one computer.
To Map a Shared Drive on LAN Follow the Instructions :-

1) Open Command Prompt. (Start>Run>Type “cmd”> Press Enter from Keyboard).

2) In Command Prompt Type “ping” followed by IP Address of the Computer that Sharing the Drive.          Example : ping
3) Check if reply is coming, if not then make sure that the computer sharing the Drive is Connected on LAN Properly.
4) Then Type “net view \IP Address Of The Shared Computer”

         Example : net view \

5) See which Drive is being Shared by the other Computer on the LAN.
6)Type “net use K: \IP Address Of The Sharing ComputerShared Drive”
Example : Suppose if the other Computer is Sharing it’s D: Drive then give the following Command

                                               net use K:\
***** The Above IP Address given “” is just to show Examples of the Commands, That IP is not owned by me, so do not try to use it by any means or you will be the one to be guilty, try all of the above at Your Own Risk.

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Password Recovery Softwares

Password Recovery Softwares

Password Locking
After a thorough research Internet I found the following softwares to be actually working for Password Recovery :-
MessenPass :Recovers the passwords of most popular Instant Messenger programs: MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ Lite 4.x/2003, AOL Instant Messenger provided with Netscape 7, Trillian, Miranda, and GAIM.
Mail PassView : Recovers the passwords of the following email programs: Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook 2000 (POP3 and SMTP Accounts only), Microsoft Outlook 2002/2003 (POP3, IMAP, HTTP and SMTP Accounts), Incredible Mail, Eudora, Netscape Mail, Mozilla Thunderbird, Group Mail Free. Mail Pass View can also recover the passwords of Web-based email accounts (Hot Mail, Yahoo!, Gmail), if you use the associated programs of these accounts.
IE PassView : IE PassView is a small utility that reveals the passwords stored by Internet Explorer browser. It supports the new Internet Explorer 7.0, as well as older versions of Internet explorer, v4.0 – v6.0.
Protected Storage PassView : Recovers all passwords stored inside the Protected Storage, including the Auto Complete passwords of Internet Explorer, passwords of Password-protected sites, MSN Explorer Passwords, and more.
Password Fox : Password Fox is a small password recovery tool that allows you to view the user names and passwords stored by Mozilla Firefox Web browser. By default, Password Fox displays the passwords stored in your current profile, but you can easily select to watch the passwords of any other Firefox profile. For each password entry, the following information is displayed: Record Index, Web Site, User Name, Password, User Name Field, Password Field, and the Signors File Name.

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All Commands Of Command Prompt

All Commands Of Command Prompt

Binary Codes

ASSOCDisplays or Modifies file extension associations.

        ATTRIBDisplays or changes file attributes.
BreakSets or clears extended Ctrl+C checking.
                  BCDEDITSets properties in Boot database to control Boot Loading.
CACLSDisplays or modifies access control lists (ACLs) of Files.
                 CALLCalls one batch programme from another.
CDDisplays the Name of or changes the current Directory.
   CHCPDisplays or sets the active code page number.
CHDIRDisplays the Name of or changes the current Directory.
             CHKDSKChecks a Disk and displays a status report.
CHKNTFSDisplays or modifies the checking of disk at boot time.
         CLSClears the Screen.
         CMDStarts a new instance of the Windows Command Interpreter.
COLORSets the default consol Foreground and Background colours.
COMPCompares the content of two files or sets of files.
COMPACT – Displays or alters the compression of files on NTFS partitions.
CONVERT – Converts FAT Volumes to NTFS. But you cannot convert the current Drive you are in.
COPY – Copies one or more files to another location.
COPY CON – Creates a File.
Command Prompt
DATE – Displays or sets the Date.
DEL – Deletes one or more files.
DIR – Displays a list of Files and Subdirectories under a Directory
DISKCOMP – Compares the contents of two Floppy Disks.
DISKCOPY – Copies the contents of one Floppy Disk to another.
DISKPART – Displays or Configures the Disk Partition properties.
              DOSKEY – Edits Command Lines, recalls Windows Commands, and Creates Macros.
DRIVERQUERY – Displays current Device Driver status and properties.
                    ECHO – Displays Messages, or turns Commands echoing On/Off.
ENDLOCAL – Ends Localization of environment changes in a Batch file.
ERASE – Deletes one or more Files.
                          EXIT – Quits the CMD.exe Programme ( Command Interpreter ).
FC – Compares two files or sets of files, and displays the difference between them.
            FIND – Searches for a Text string in aFile or Files.
      FINDSTR – Searches for a string in a File.
FOR – Runs a specified Command for each file in a set of files.
FORMAT – Formats a Disk for use with Windows.
FSUTIL – Displays or Configures the file system properties.
FTYPE – Displays or modifies file types used in file extension associations.
GOTO – Directs the Windows Command Interpreter to a labeled line in a batch Programme.
GPRESULT – Displays Group Policy information for machin or user.
                 GRAFTABL – Enables Windows to display an extended character set in Graphics mode.
HELP – Provides Help Informations for Windows Commands.
                 ICACLS – Display, Modify, Backup or Restore ACLs for files and Directories.

IF – Performs Conditional processing in Batch Programmes.

LABEL – Creates, Changes or deletes the Volume Label of a Disk.
MD – Creates a Directory.
MKDIR – Creates a Directory.
                               MKLINK – Creates Symbolic Links and Hard Links.
                              MODE – Configures a System Device.
MORE – Displays Output one Screen at a time.
MOVE – Moves one or more Files from one Directory from another.
                        OPENFILES – Displays Files opened by Remote Users for a File Share.
                        PATH – Displays or sets a search path for executable files.
             PAUSE – Suspends Processing of a Batch file and displays a Message.
     PING – To Check a IP if it’s Alive.
POPD – Restores the value of the current Directory saved by PUSHD.
PRINT – Prints a Text File.
                        PROMT – Changes Windows Command Prompt.
PUSHD – Saves the current Directory then changes it.
                        RD – Removes a Directory.
                        RECOVER – Recovers readable Information from a bad or defective Disk.
REM – Records Comments (Remarks) in Batch files or CONFIG.sys .
REN – Renames a File or Files.
                             RENAME – Renames a File or Files.
                 REPLACE – Replaces a File.
               RMDIR – Removes a Directory.
ROBOCOPY – Advanced Utility to Copy Files and Directory Trees.
MatrixSET – Displays, Sets or Removes Windows Environment Variables.
SETLOCAL – Displays or Configures Services (Background Processes).
SCHTASKS – Schedules Commands or Programmes to Run on a Computer.
SHIFT – Shifts the positions of replaceable parameters in Batch Files.
SHUTDOWN – Allows proper Local or Remote Shutdown of Machine.
SORT – Sorts Input.
       START – Start a seperate window to run a specified command or programme.
               SUBST – Associate Path with a Frive Letter.
                        SYSTEMINFO – Display Machine specific Properties and Configuration.
                              TASKLIST – Displays all currently running Tasks including Services.
                                        TASKKILL – Kill or Stop a running Procces or Application.
                                                  TIME – Display or sets the system time.
                                            TITLE – Sets the Window Title for a session on CMD.exe .
                               TREE – Graphically Displays the Directory Structure of a Drive or Path.
                   TYPE – Displays the contents of a Text File.
VER – Displays the Windows Version.
VERIFY – Tells Windows wether to Verify that your files are written correctly to a Disk.
                     VOL – Displays a Disk Volume Label and Serial Number.
          XCOPY – Copies Files and Directory Trees.
WMIC – Displays WMI Informations inside interactive Command Shell.
*** To know moe Informations on a Specific Command, In Command Prompt type HELP Command-Name and Press Enter from Keyboard.
Example – HELP COLOR

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Nokia Maps vs Google Maps

Nokia Maps vs Google Maps

How GPS Locates

GPS – Global Positioning System, most of us today are well known with this thing. GPS is a Technique that allows you to locate your position exactly where ever you are whenever you are, it’s very very very accurate. Most of the Today’s High End Mobile Phones comes with the GPS and some of them comes with A-GPS ( Assisted GPS ), and there is also a maps on mobile where your can find your exact position through your GPS. you can also find on Maps some special features like – Driving & Walking Navigation, Searching for Places and making routes to go there, search some points of interests like Coffee Shop, Cinema Hall, Restaurant etc. All of the Nokia Mobiles which are facilitated with GPS comes with OVI Maps, which is really god and also provides some superb features, and All Androids which are facilitated with GPS comes with Google Maps For Mobiles, which also provides some features that can outclass others. Suppose you are using Symbian OS ( Nokia’s OS Platform ) and having OVI Maps, but for any reason you want change to Google Maps maybe because of you are not enjoying so much with OVI Maps are you are keen to Taste something different from OVI Maps, any reason you can still get Google Maps For Mobiles on your Symbian OS.

GPS Data Transfering

Supported Platforms: The Google Maps For Mobiles are Supported with the following Platforms

  • Nokia or S60 or Symbian 60
  • Android
  • BlackBerry
  • iPhone
  • Windows Mobile
  • Others

Key Features:

  1. Navigation – Free Turn-by-Turn Walk & Drive Navigation with Voice Guidance.
  2. My Location – Find your Location even you don’t have GPS or poor GPS Signals.
  3. 3D Maps – With two fingers, drag down to tilt and see 3D buildings where available; twist to rotate (on supported devices). 
  4. Offline Reliability – See the Areas you used Most on Maps even if you lose your connection temporarily.
  5. Place Pages – Search for any business or place to find all info about it.
  6. Places – Find nearby places of Interests with the Places icon.
  7. Compass Mode – Enter 3D compass mode to orient yourself and automatically rotate the map and labels to whichever direction you’re facing.
  8. Latitude – See where your friends are right now. and let them know where you are.
  9. Traffic – Route Calculations using Real Time Traffic info.
  10. Street View – View Street level Imagery.

Best Feature:My Location is a feature that can you use on your phone even if you don’t have GPS on your Mobile Phone, it’ll still show your approximate Location, and you can also enjoy other features too. It traces your location with the Information collected by the Mobile Tower you are getting Signals from, and Tracks your Distance from that informations by some Calculations and shows you approximate location of yours.

Features Supported On OS

Features Symbian 60 Android BlackBerry iPhone Windows Mobile
Navigation Yes
Places Yes
3D Maps Yes
Compass Mode Yes Yes
Offline Reliability Yes
Place Pages Yes Yes
Business Listings Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
My Location Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Latitude Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Voice Search Yes Yes Yes Yes
Traffic Info Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Street View Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Driving Directions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Transit Directions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Biking Directions Yes Yes
Walking Directions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Layers Yes Yes Yes Yes
Satelite Layer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Terrain Layer Yes
My Maps Yes Yes Yes Yes
Starred Items Yes Yes Yes Yes
Labs Yes Yes

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    How To Track An E-Mail To Know The Sender’s Location

    How To Track An E-Mail To Know The Sender’s Location


    Most of the people determine who sent them an E-Mail message By the “From” line in E-Mail. Unfortunately this symptomatic of the current confusion among internet users as to where particular messages come from and who is spreading spam and viruses. The “From” header is little more than a courtesy to the person receiving the message. People spreading spam and viruses are rarely courteous. In short, if there is any question about where a particular email message came from then we can only have information from “From” header, which 99.99% times can be forged.

    So now how can we really get to know that from where a E-Mail has really came from????!!!!!, we can determine it using a simple E-Mail Tracing technique. We can easily find out the IP from which the E-Mail has been sent from, and from that we can actually know about the Service Provider which has been used by the Sender and also can find the Geographical location of that IP. We can find all of these using E-Mail Header

    Symbol Of E-Mail
    Getting The Header Of An E-Mail:
    If you are using Outlook or Outlook Express you can view the headers by right clicking on the message and selecting properties or options.
    To get the header from any other E-Mail Service like Gmail, Yahoomail and others follow the instructions:
    1. Open the E-Mail you want to Trace.
    2. Click on the Down arrow on the Action Button on the top of the currently opened E-Mail window.
    3. Click on “Show Full Header” from the list (For Yahoo Mail).
    4. The Header with the E-mail will open.

    Finding The Sender’s IP From The Header:

    Below are listed the headers of an actual Spam E-Mail I got. I’ve changed my E-Mail Address and Name for obvious reasons. I’m made the Important sections Bold and marked with Other Colour so that it can be easily found.


    From DHL Fri Jun 17 08:37:55 2011
    X-Apparently-To: via; Fri, 17 Jun 2011 15:01:44 +0530
    Return-Path: <>
    Received-SPF: none ( domain of does not designate permitted sender hosts)
    X-YMailISG: 7CHT.sAcZArcXSU9MHHNVB7ea5RFL8uFntO1PyY0ozSZ1_kY

    X-Originating-IP: []

    Authentication-Results:; domainkeys=neutral (no sig);; dkim=neutral (no sig)
    Received: from  (HELO (
      by with SMTP; Fri, 17 Jun 2011 15:01:43 +0530
    Received: from ([]) by with LOCAL; Fri, 17 Jun 2011 10:19:31 +0100
    Received: from [] by with ASMTP; Fri, 17 Jun 2011 10:16:04 +0100
    Received: from ([Fri, 17 Jun 2011 10:01:37 +0100])
        by with ASMTP; Fri, 17 Jun 2011 10:01:37 +0100
    Received: from [] by with ESMTP; Fri, 17 Jun 2011 09:44:21 +0100
    Received: from ([Fri, 17 Jun 2011 09:37:55 +0100])
        by with ASMTP; Fri, 17 Jun 2011 09:37:55 +0100
    Message-ID: <6b9701cc2cd2$3c4aa160$190b65a7@adminsotuipycw>

    From: “DHL” <>
    To: <>
    Cc: <>,

    Subject: DHL Express Delivery hau
    Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 09:37:55 +0100
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
    X-Priority: 3
    X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
    X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106
    X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1106
    Content-Length: 17531

    According to the From header this E-Mail is from “DHL”, but is it really sent from there!!!!!!!!…… No No No……
    The header most likely to be useful for determining the actual source of the email message. Now look at the X-Originating-IP: [] it’s on the middle part of the Header. you can see a IP with it, it’s the IP of the original Sender of this E-Mail. Now we need track it, so Go to the and copy and paste the IP in the proper field which you found with the “X-Originating IP”, like here it’s, now search it and you will get the result. You will be able to see the ISP, Location, Time Zone, Internet Connection and many other Information about the Sender of that E-Mail, and you can even Trace location Geographically with the Map provided in on the Website. In the lower part of the E-Mail you can also see that it’s primarily sent to and then it has been also sent to all others at the same time what  you can clearly see on “Cc” the E-Mail Address list it has with it. So now Trace them out.

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