A.M.I.E. vs B.E./B.TECH.
1) In A.M.I.E. one has to write a paper of Full Paper of 100 Marks in 3hr There is no Internal Marks, and Pass Marks 50
In B.E./B.TECH. one has to write a paper of 70 Marks, 30 Marks is of Internal Assessment of the College, Pass Marks is 40 out of Total 100 (70+30), In Most of the Colleges one can easily get 20 out of 30 even without writing anything in the Internal, that means they only need 20 Marks out of 100 Virtually to pass a Subject.
2) In A.M.I.E. Question Standards are much much tougher than B.E./B.TECH. as most of the papers are set by prominent Professional and Person from Reputed Institutions/Universities . It is very hard to even get pass marks. All questions are in depth and unified all over the country.
In B.E./B.TECH. questions are set by different universities, questions not being uniform all over the country. If the Question Standards are compared with that of the A.M.I.E. , B.E./B.TECH Questions will fall as sub-standard.
3) In A.M.I.E. one has to give exam not at Home Centre, so there is no chance of Cheating and Getting Marcy, hence the Exams are Clean, and the marks secured by students are due to their own knowledge, not by copying or cheating
In B.E./B.TECH. one has to give exam in the Home Centre, and lots of Cheating in the Exam Hall goes on, and as the students are of their own college they tend to Marcy them and even allow them intentionally, hence most of them have High Marks but Shallow Knowledge on the Subjects.
Advantages of A.M.I.E. over B.E./B.TECH.
4) In the case of the most of the Diploma Engineers who are employed in different Companies and Government Sector they are not able to Pursue Degree in regular B.E./B.TECH. due to their Day Job can Carry on their Degree through A.M.I.E. , if A.M.I.E. is De-recognized then the Diploma Engineers will not be able to further Study and it will void the Fundamental Right of “Right To Education” of Indian Constitution.
5) A.M.I.E. can be done only by the person who are employed in the Engineering Field, hence an A.M.I.E. passed Engineer will have a Degree backed up with Years of Experience, which makes them much more Industry Ready, than fresher B.E./B.TECH. with No Experience.
3) The Total Cost of completing A.M.I.E. at the present day will be less than Rs. 25000/- whereas that for B.E./B.TECH. is about Rs. 4,50,000/- at minimum.
6) The quality of A.M.I.E. student and Studies can be judged by an practical example that most of the Government Engineers in various sectors are from reputed Institutions like IIT’s, IISc, A.M.I.E. and NIT’s , percentage of B.E./B.TECH. in Government Job other than that from reputed institutions are very less. Government Engineering jobs are very hard to get and Recruitments are highly competitive and this tells the all story of the Quality of the A.M.I.E.
7) Indian Engineering Degrees was not recognized in other countries like USA,UK etc. before the Indian became a member of Washington Accord recently, but A.M.I.E. was recognized from the very start in all other major countries like UK, USA etc.
8) Institution of Engineers (India) has got members who are of Top Class in their Field, and that is why Quality in Technical Knowledge is always maintained to a High Standard in A.M.I.E.
Misconception about A.M.I.E.
1) A.M.I.E. is Distance Education – Not True, A.M.I.E. is a Degree provided by Professional Society
2) There is No Practical and Laboratory Experiments done in A.M.I.E. – Not True, In A.M.I.E. there are 12 Laboratory Experiments covering all subjects feasible to done Laboratory Experiments each containing at least Three to Four Sub Experiments, that means it is equivalent to about 40 Experiments of B.E./B.TECH. including Surveying also. There is also Project Work.
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