Civil Engineering deals with static structure. The main objective of Civil Engineering is to make Safe, Economical Structures, by Analytical Distribution of Load. There are various mammoth structures which now a days are made possible with the new technology and Analysis with automation without much difficulty. The most important part in this generation of development is in the media, where information we exchange with, and Internet is the absolute necessary in today’s life to get connected with newer views and findings. We already know about the power of Internet and how it has been now possible to do work from the desk from one location to another location virtually. Now a days it’s possible to repair a Computer to some extent online, to suggest medicines by a doctor to a patient, to Teach from around the world and in the all other fields. But still most of the people doesn’t know that the same is applicable for the field of Civil Engineering Also.
Here the Concept of Online Civil Engineering Arrives. Let me explain, Civil Engineering is a vast field and deals with Planning, Designing, and Execution in short. Here only the Execution of a work is to be done directly on the project site, and others are Desk jobs. But before the execution for a work can be done, it needs big processes to come upto the point of starting of the execution, that means Planning and Designing. The Following Jobs are the Desk based jobs partially or fully, for which you don’t need to be appear in the site physically, they are :-
- Planning
- Estimating and Costing.
- Designing
- Valuation
- Accounts
Online Civil Engineering Consultancy :-
For a Multi National Company (MNC) in the field of Construction a General Construction Company , there are several units working for a specific type analysis and output for a work, and they may be located at different points withing a city or at far away, it may become tedious job to link them all and synchronise, but with the Help of Online Civil Engineering it may not be a problem of concern.