Here I’ve listed the most important factors which are to be taken care of while doing Brickwork of any nature structural brickwork or face lifting works in brickwork for better appearance. These points mentioned below should always be taken care strictly in the site of construction for achieving a long lasting durable structure.
- The bricks should be of 1st class quality for structural works, or atleast of 2nd class quality in unavoidable circumstances, but those 2nd class bricks must posses atleast 60% of the field quality checks of bricks.
- The bricks should be immersed in water for a continuous period of 2 hrs for best results, or atleast 1 hr for satisfactory results, but anything less than this can cause total loss of bond strength of the mortar due to the absorption of water from the mortar to the water hungry dry bricks.
- Brickwork should be done for a maximum height of 1.5 m in a day, and nest continuation should be started only after the brickwork previously done achieves sufficient strength to hold the load without squeezing out of the mortar from the newly prepared brick joints of brickwork.
- In case of doing brickwork of half brick thick brick walls or construction of brick on edge like 5″, 3″ or 4″ wall construction H.B. Netting should be done on every third layer, or the wall may fall down.
- Mortar should be of proper proportion and consistency as required for different types of brickwork.
- The mortar which has been prepared must be used within its Initial Setting Time, that is a period of 30 minutes for OPC and Blended Cements like PPC, PSC.
- Brickwork should be cured well for a period of atleast 7 days for good results.
- Brickwork should be raised in a manner of uniform level in height throughout its length, suppose a wall is to be raised on the next layer of brickwork, then it should be done only after finishing the brickwork throughout the length in the current layer.
- Brickwork should be done in proper bonding.
- In Brickwork there must not be vertical joints in continuation, it must be be alternatively arranged by atleast overlapping one fourth portion of the brick above and below.
- Nothing less than Half Bats shall be used
- Connection between two walls of different alignment must be done with toothing in brickwork.
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